Monday, September 8, 2008

Is It Really So Strange?

Alright, so I had a small dream since last we parted. I was looking at what I think was a giant sink, looking at the drain, and swirling down toward the gaping maw at the bottom of this thing are eggs, whole eggs shells and all. The water that was coming out of the sink was washing down all kinds of eggs, chicken, quail, duck, ostrich. I had seen all of these on sale in Whole Foods a couple of days ago. It's funny that they showed up in my giant sink dream. I really want someone I know to buy one of those ostrich eggs to eat. I want to see someone crack it open. I bet that big of an egg would be a mess to prepare.

Well, as far as adventures go, I can't really say that anything too out of the ordinary has happened. In fact, things have been pretty familiar. Had way too many free drinks at a bar, because I'm friends with the bar tender. Woke up drunk and went to a couple of job interviews. ate knock off Thai food for dinner. It's a lot like home, but it takes for-freaking-ever to get anywhere. I like the subways, though. I like being in the tunnels crammed in so close to all of those people. I've alwasy been a fan of crowds. I don't know that I've seen the same stranger twice yet. Today, I sat next to a woman on the 1 from Times Square back up to Harlem. We were in the little 2 seat thing by the door. When I sat down the train was packed, and I was reading so we had to sit close. A few stops later the train was much less full. I could tell that she was uncomfortable that we were still sitting so near to one another. I just kept sitting there reading Watchmen and occasionally looking up to see where I was. It was a game. Who would get up first? The seats across from us were empty, plenty of room. At one point she asked a guy standing next to us what time it was, and he said "It's two fift..." I asked if he had said "fifteen" or "fifty." She started to turn to me and actually be friendly before she caught herself and went back to being made uncomfortable by our proximity. She almost made the decision to be okay with being friendly. I think that's what I like about the trains. Sometimes you make short connections with the people you spot, even if it's just smiling across the crowd, and sometimes the hispanic lady you're next to is freaked out by your comic books. I was the first to move. My stop came before her's. Thus, the game was ended. Maybe tomorrow I can read the bible on the train and cackle maniacally at the gory and sexy parts. Boils... Sheep teeth... Haha...

I talked to some people today about jobs. I interviewed at a temp agency this morning, I talked to a guy about working in a place that is the first place ever to serve pizza in the U.S., and I talked on the phone with someone about being a banquet waiter for a catering company. I'm most excited about the catering thing. Apparently, this company does a lot of business and it's for some of the most expensive events in the city. I could probably meet some pretty great people. I like. Tomorrow, I have a face to face interview with the catering guy, and a phone interview with a promotions company that does parties and shows at bars and clubs. It was funny talking on the phone with the catering guy today. He was so incredibly, painstakingly careful about everything he said, and he repeated himself over and over. At first, it seemed like he was being condescending, but after a few minutes, and this was a long call, I realized that it was just the way he talked. That's probably the way that he talks to everyone, super polite, tiptoeing around everything he was going to say for far longer than necessary before he actually came out with it. I was laughing about it when I got off of the phone. Now, I'm interested to see if he's the same way in person.

Last week was good. This week is shaping up to be better. Hopefully, things will keep getting better, and maybe... just maybe... I'll actually find gainful employment and some money to go have fun on. Until then, humans, I love you all dearly. Don't get lonely. If you do, go to a crowded place with a bible tomorrow and laugh so loud at it that you make everyone around you uncomfortable. That can be our little time together.


Judy Ranelli said...


DJCharlesIII said...

I know everything will be fine for you in NYC Elmo. Your a great person and shouldn't worry about anything consider the job yours.

take care - PEACe